Abstract Submission for the 2025 Is Closed Now.
About the Awards
Jose “Pepe” Alvarez, Jr., MD Resident Award: Awarded for the best overall abstract and oral presentation for clinical or experimental work performed by residents of fellows in training. Awardee receives $1,000 and will be considered for publication in the Annals of Vascular Surgery. This award is sponsored by the Florida Vascular Foundation.
2024 Jose “Pepe” Alvarez, Jr., MD Resident Award Winning Abstract:
“Massive Left Subclavian Artery Aneurysm with Rapidly Enlarging Thoracoabdominal Aortic Aneurysm”
Hayley M. Carroll, MD
Memorial Healthcare System
Pembroke Pines, Florida
Dr. JJ Karmacharya Award: Awarded for the best abstract and oral presentation in aortic aneurysmal disease reconstruction and treatments. Awardee receives $1,000 and will be considered for publication in the Annals of Vascular Surgery. This award is sponsored by the JJ Karmacharya Foundation for Vascular Surgery.
2024 Dr. JJ Karmacharya Award Winning Abstract:
“Extra-Anatomic Bypasses as Perfusion Alternatives in the Treatment of Complex Thoracoabdominal Aortic Disease”
Christopher Montoya, MD
University of Miami, Miller School of Medicine,
Miami, Florida
Mark L. Friedell, MD Award: Awarded for the Best Medical Student Abstract and Oral Presentation. Awardee receives $500.00 and will be considered for publication in the Annals of Vascular Surgery.
2024 Mark L. Friedell, MD Award Winning Abstract:
“Referral and Imaging Surveillance Patterns for Acute Uncomplicated Type B Aortic Dissection at a Tertiary Referral Center”
Griffin Stinson, BS
University of Florida College of Medicine,
Gainesville, Florida
Dr. Jeffrey A. Hertz Memorial Award for Best Case Report: Awardee receives $500.00 and will be considered for publication in the Annals of Vascular Surgery.
2024 Dr. Jeffrey A. Hertz Memorial Award for Best Case Report Award Winning Abstract:
“Paget-Schroetter Syndrome Secondary to Anomalous Right-Sided Aortic Arch.”
Katrina M. Pardo, MS
FIU Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine,
Miami, Florida
*You may be eligible for both the Resident Award and the FVF Scholarship.
Annals of Vascular surgery:
The official journal of the Florida Vascular Society is the Annals of Vascular
Surgery. Acceptance of an abstract for oral presentation at the FVS Annual Scientific Sessions carries with it the following options:
- To be published as an abstract in an edition of the Annals of Vascular Surgery featuring the Florida
Vascular Society Annual Scientific Sessions; and - If considered for an award the author must submit a draft of a manuscript prior to presentation at the Annual
Scientific Sessions and then to the Annals of Vascular Surgery thereafter. - If the author/presenter opts out of manuscript submission they will be ineligible for awards.
Please forward any abstracts and manuscript questions to: bcarpenter@fvs.org.
When submitting your abstract form online, please remember to email your current Curriculum Vitae to abstracts@fvs.org.
No reference should be made on or in the abstract to the names or institutions of the authors, as the abstract review process is conducted “blindly”, in that the reviewers do not know the origin of the work. Non-member authors must list the name of a member sponsor.
Abstract Format:
Abstracts must be submitted as a structured format (Introduction/Objectives, Methods, Results, and Conclusion) using the Abstracts Submission and Transmittal Forms. A current CV must be submitted with your submission.
All vascular related topics submitted will be considered by the FVS program committee for acceptance throughout the program. Topics related to the following areas will be given the highest consideration for acceptance in the James E. Seeger, MD Symposium, Luncheon Session, and Topic Related Scientific Sessions:
- Vascular Medicine
- Lower Extremity Revascularization
- Vascular Trauma
- Carotid Dissection Aneurysms
- Dialysis Access