The Florida Vascular Society
6816 Southpoint Parkway
Suite 1000
Jacksonville, FL 32216
(904) 309-6268
Relationship: medical-students
Past Friedell, Next Gen Class
Medical Student Scholarship Survey
Medical Students
Scholarship Submission
Medical Students
Medical Students
Receive a Scholarship
The Florida Vascular Foundation provides Next Gen scholarships to medical students from the nine graduate programs across the state of Florida. All applicants must complete and submit (1) the scholarship application and (2) a 500 word essay describing why the scholarship is important to their career goals. The scholarship is intended to support travel expenses and lodging to allow students to attend the Florida Vascular Society Scientific Sessions. The deadline to submit an application is December 21, 2024.
Call for Abstracts
The Florida Vascular Society (FVS) is now accepting abstracts for the FVS 38th Annual Scientific Sessions to be held at the Conrad Orlando on April 24-27, 2025. Your submission carries with it the eligibility to receive the Mark L. Friedell, MD Award. This award is given to the Best Medical Student Abstract and Oral Presentation $500.00 Award.
Start Online Abstract Submission .
Submission Rules and Guidelines
The objective of the Florida Vascular Society is to offer a high-quality forum to those physicians interested in research, education, and patient care in the field of vascular disease. We encourage all our colleagues, especially general and vascular surgery residents and fellows, to participate in the educational program by submission of an abstract for oral presentation.
Rules for Submission:
Abstracts submitted to the Florida Vascular Society for consideration for the Annual Meeting program must be original work and must not have been published or presented at a national or regional meeting. It is acceptable to submit work that has been presented at local meetings or as a poster, provided it has not been published.
No reference should be made on or in the abstract to the names or institutions of the authors, as the abstract review process is conducted “blindly”, in that the reviewers do not know the origin of the work. Non-member authors must list the name of a member sponsor.
Abstract Format:
Abstracts must be submitted as a structured format (Introduction/Objectives, Methods, Results, and Conclusion) using the Abstracts Submission and Transmittal Forms. A current CV must be submitted with your submission.
Abstract Deadline:
All submissions must be completed by October 24th, 2021.
All vascular related topics submitted will be considered by the FVS program committee for acceptance throughout the program. Topics related to the following areas will be given the highest consideration for acceptance in the James E. Seeger, MD Symposium, Luncheon Session, and Topic Related Scientific Sessions:
- Vascular Medicine
- Lower Extremity Revascularization
- Vascular Trauma
- Carotid Dissection Aneurysms
- Dialysis Access
Notification of Abstract Acceptance:
Authors of abstracts accepted will be notified no later than January 22, 2022.
Annals of Vascular surgery:
The official journal of the Florida Vascular Society is the Annals of Vascular Surgery. Acceptance of an abstract for oral presentation at the FVS Annual Scientific Sessions carries with it the following options:
- To be printed in an edition of the Annals of Vascular Surgery featuring the Florida Vascular Society Annual Scientific Sessions; and
- The author may submit a Manuscript to the Annals of Vascular Surgery to be considered for
When submitting your abstract form online, please remember to email your current Curriculum Vitae to